I decided I would upgrade the poor, old computer chair we had sitting in the garage. It's been out there for over a year now. I still had some of the fabric left over from when I made the pillow mat so I used it. It was super easy to do this. All I needed was the chair, fabric, staple gun, and a little bit of hot glue. The cushion on the top part popped out completely. So I covered it in the fabric and used the staple gun to hold the fabric tightly in place. Then I took the hot glue gun and glued the cushion back into the plastic piece. I'd say this took less than 10 minutes. Then I went to work on the bottom cushion. Unlike the top, this piece isn't in a plastic piece. It did not come off the base. So I just took the fabric and stretched it over the cushion and used the staple gun to hold it in place. I also used a little bit of hot glue to glue down some of the fabric that was ruffling. And that was it. Now I have a totally made-over, dressed up chair. My husband complained I stole his chair but I just told him it's still his it's just pink now. :) I forgot to take a before picture but it was just a plain ole black computer chair.